

Interview/ Non-alignment movement

Richard Giragosian

Չմիավորման շարժմանը մասնակցելը վկայում է, որ ՀՀ-ն այժմ ունի ավելի մեծ ռազմավարական կարևորություն, քան անցյալում

«Առաջին լրատվական»-ի զրուցակիցն է Տարածաշրջանային հետազոտությունների կենտրոնի տնօրեն Ռիչարդ Կիրակոսյանը:


The Outlook for Armenian-Turkish Normalization: An Updated Assessment

The attached is the PowerPoint slideset from a recent presentation entitled, "The Outlook for Armenian-Turkish Normalization: An Updated Assessment," that was held on 21 August, at the closing session of the special Summer Session of the “RSC Expert School,” a certificate-based professional training course that we offer in Yerevan.


Developments in Iran: Implications for Armenia

The attached is the PowerPoint presentation from the last session, which was held on 14 August, focusing on "Developments in Iran: Implications for Armenia."


GALA TV Interview (in Armenian)

The attached is a brief (roughly 7-minute) interview with GALA TV, in English, on 13 August, but dubbed into Armenian, focusing mainly on foreign policy issues.



Turkish Foreign Policy & Developments in the Middle East

The attached is the PowerPoint presentation, entitled "Turkish Foreign Policy & Developments in the Middle East," that was delivered on 9 August, at a session of a special Summer Session of the “RSC Expert School,” a certificate-based professional training courses for students, youth and young professionals.
